Ties are possible indicators of a genetic mutation called MTHFR (see explanation below)
Since this is a genetic condition and your child is tongue, lip, or buccal (cheek) tied, that would most likely indicate one or both parents are affected as well.
MTHFR is a gene in the human body — methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase to be specific. The gene tells the body how to make the enzyme. This enzyme is important for the body to process folate (B9) properly. In simplest terms, it turns folate into methylfolate through a process called methylation.
So, if the MTHFR gene is mutated, it cannot produce the enzyme correctly, which disrupts the processes down the line (like the production of serotonin and dopamine, key players in ADHD and autism). It causes one’s body to change folate into methyl folate at a reduced capacity (as low as 10% for homozygous polymorphism and 50% for heterozygous), so they have too much folate in the body, and not enough methyl folate, which, again, hinders the processes on down the line.
There are many conditions, both mental and physical, the medical community has associated with MTHFR mutations — MTHFR.net currently lists 64. Autism and ADHD are on the list.
People with the MTHFR genetic mutation don’t do well with all forms of anesthesia: **Please note all anesthesia comes with risks
Safer anesthesia for a person with MTHFR:
Carbocaine (local anesthesia)
Sevoflurane without Nitrous Oxide (general anesthesia)
Versed (a sedative)
Fentanyl (a sedative)
Anesthesia to avoid for a person with MTHFR:
Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) All About Nitrous Oxide
Anesthesia containing adrenaline (epinephrine)
Propofol – can be toxic to mitochondria (People with MTHFR often have damage to mitochondria already)